True North Blog

Director Q & A with Julia Garisto

Written by Courtney Berger | Feb 23, 2016 7:02:32 PM

Last week, we launched our "Director Q and A" series with Camp Director Jonathan Isaac. Today, we introduce our Director of Administration Julia Garisto!

1. Hi Julia. Tell us about yourself. Give us your 60-second elevator pitch....

My name is Julia Garisto, I’m 25 years old, and I’ve been working with NTBC (now True North Sports Camps) for the past two years. I am an Ontario Certified Teacher and a graduate of the University of Toronto’s Kinesiology and Education Program. Last year I taught abroad in London, England. In terms of athletics, I’ve been heavily involved with competitive sports for most of my life, playing provincial level soccer for over 10 years. I have coached several sports teams in the past and look forward to working with young campers again this summer! My hobbies include: playing tennis, reading, eating sushi, and baking.

2. Why do you like working at summer camps?

Working at summer camps is one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences! Not only are they a place where young campers come to learn new skills and techniques, but they’re also a place where they can make life-long friendships. I’m still close with friends I met at camp over 10 years ago!

3. What was it like living and teaching in London?

Last year I spent 9 months teaching high school students across a number of neighborhoods in London. At first the idea of teaching in another country seemed daunting, given cultural differences as well as differences in curriculum  After a short time, I realized that the experience not only enhanced my classroom management and communication skills, but also allowed me the opportunity for personal growth and development – something I’ll always take with me in my teaching career!

4. What advice would you give to someone who would like to become a teacher?

Be patient, be passionate, be approachable.

5. What is your most memorable accomplishment as an athlete?

A little while ago I was selected to be a member of the Team Ontario soccer team and subsequently had the opportunity to travel to Brazil for a tournament. This was one of my most memorable experiences as an athlete because it taught me how much of an impact sports has on the daily lives of people all around the world.  The language of sports, the values of fair play, being a team player and hard work are shared across all cultures.

6. Who is your favourite athlete?

Hands-down Christine Sinclair. I’ve always admired her work ethic and her dedication towards the game of soccer. She gives everything she has to her team, and it certainly shows.

7. What is your favourite sports movie?

“A League of Their Own.” Who can forget, ‘There’s no crying in baseball!’

8. If you could have lunch with any 3 people, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

a) J.K. Rowling to ask her follow up questions about the Harry Potter series
b) Robin Williams to provide comedic relief
c) Adele so she can sing to us while we are eating

9. If you could order any lunch to camp, what would it be?

Sushi, sushi, and more sushi!

10. What is your favourite concert you've ever attended?

Tough to pick just one, but if I had to choose it would be Arcade Fire's Reflektor Tour.

11. Who’s your favourite super hero?

The Incredible Hulk (might have been my nickname growing up).

12. When you put keptchup on your fries: on top or on the side?

Always on the side, too messy otherwise.

13. Is a hotdog a sandwich?

No. A hotdog is a hotdog!

14. Why is summer 2016 going to be so amazing at True North Sports Camps?

Having attended summer camps as a child, I understand what makes a camp experience fun and enjoyable. Together with the rest of the staff at True North Sports Camps, we strive to create that same experience for all our campers – and that’s exactly what we plan on doing this summer!