Forest Hill - Summer Camps & Sports Programs
At five different locations across the GTA, we offer baseball, basketball, flag football, soccer and multi-sport summer camps throughout July and August as well as after-school and weekend programs in the fall, winter and spring. Our Forest Hill site are Memorial Park located at 340 Chaplin Crescent, near the intersection of Eglinton Road and Chaplin Crescent.
Toronto Summer Camps - What’s So Special?
While we started over ten years ago as North Toronto Baseball Camp offering only baseball summer camp in mid-town Toronto, our True North sports programs now include various other sports as well as after-school and weekend clinics, birthday parties, team lessons and March Break camp! Our low camper-to-coach ratio allows our experienced coaches to ensure that the skills, drills and games are tailored to each player’s needs – whether they are new to the game or play at a competitive level.

Just got home and had to write you all about what an amazing week Ahren, Logan, Chase, and Tim had. Again this year I am truly staggered by the unbelievable rapport you build with the kids and the level of instructional expertise you've offered them. As a teacher and mom to 3 boys, I have truly never seen anything like this. You inspired Logan so dramatically last year that his select NT involvement this year (abandoning his diehard Leaside allegiance) is a direct result of who you are as people. Logan has again announced his intent to become 'just like you guys', not just as a ball-player, but as a coach and all-round 'grown up'. Now you've inspired Ahren in the same way. Ahren announced in the van just now that he will try-out for A or Select baseball next season and will find out about becoming a CIT with you next summer.
Honestly, kudos to you all — you have found the magic. If only we teachers could take a lesson from all of you, I can only imagine what would be possible in the classroom.
Truly, thank you. Have an incredible summer!